PSHE - Dot Com
What is Dot Com Digital?
The Dot Com Digital programme is a powerful online tool and resource which helps give children the knowledge, skills and confidence to support them against current and emerging threats. The Dot Com Digital Programme contains 170 themed sessions broken down into ages 5 to 11. Difficult scenarios are presented to the children using central characters which change as the children progress through the school. This allows children to explore, understand and discuss any potential risks which they could encounter in their lives. Resources and activities can be completed online or offline.
The online programme’s content meets statutory guidance for England with regards to RSE Framework (2020). Additionally, Dot Com Digital supports the KCSIE (2020) guidance, SMSC and British values by providing a framework to deliver many of the requirements.
The Dot Com Vision
The aim of Dot Com Digital is to empower young people by giving them knowledge about real life risks and helping them to develop positive behaviours and values, as well as learning how to ask for help and keep safe.
Mistakes and Forgiveness
When we practise anything in life, we make mistakes and these are important because we learn from them. There is no such thing as failure, only results. If we do not get the results we want then all we need to do is think about where we went wrong, adapt our behaviour and try again until we get the result we want. When we make mistakes sometimes people are hurt or we are hurt. Learning to forgive is an important part of dealing with mistakes. Always look to ourselves to change before we change others and remember as Nelson Mandela says; "Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies."
We need to have dreams and aspirations so we have something to aim for in life. If we have dreams, we can take positive steps to make our dreams come true. But remember, we must be realistic about the hard work involved. Persevere When we want to achieve anything in life, it takes focus and we need to keep going and adapt our thinking until we achieve our goal.
Learning to feel your own value and learning to value others is key to life. Valuing yourself and believing in yourself is vital, otherwise the danger of making unsafe choices will always be present. A child who believes they can achieve anything in life will make safer choices. Life coach Anthony Robbins says: "Whether we believe we will win or lose we will". If we can give children a belief in themselves and create a safe environment for them to learn in, then they can achieve anything they put their mind to. In his book ‘Unlimited Power’, he explains that for children growing up in what we might think of as a ‘ghetto’ it is not the physical hardships that destroy them. In the end it is the lack of dreams and role models to inspire them. Where we can, we must give children the chance to meet people who can foster their dreams. Because if we can dream it then we can make it happen.
Learning to apply values positively in life is also of great importance. Values are the code by which we live our lives, however research shows that the subculture of violence has its own values system that influences children to believe that through violence they can achieve, success, wealth, honour, courage and influence. It is so important that children have a chance to think about the values they think are important and how to apply them in a positive way to their lives, so they can achieve their potential in a safe way. If we believe in ourselves and learn to value ourselves, then we will also value others and we will make safer choices in our lives. With the right state of mind and the help of the community to keep them safe, any child can achieve their full potential.