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Lowerhouse Junior School

Inspiring a lifelong love for learning

Year 3 - Elm

Welcome to Year 3 Elm Class Webpage!


Class Teacher: Miss Lawton 

Class Teaching Assistant: Miss Graham 

    Headteacher’s Award

    Freddy for showing integrity and being a good role model to his peers. 



    ⭐️ Star of the week ⭐️
    All of Elm class for their participation and effort in our class assembly. 


    GOLD Awards!


    Aidan for his super effort in bench-ball. 
    Halle for being helpful and showing kindness to her peers. 



    Time tables should be practiced at least once a week via TTRS: 


    Home reading book to be read and signed by an adult regularly. 


    Please practice spellings with your child in preparation for their spelling quiz on Fridays. 


    In, English, we are learning all about Boudicca linked to our Romans topic in History.




    In Maths this half term we will be completing units on Time, Shape and Statistics.


    Foundation subjects

    In History we are learning all about Romans.

    In Art we have Ben exploring different sketching techniques snd exploring different landscape art before we sketch our own landscape of Gawthorpe Hall. 

    In science, we have been exploring light and reflective surfaces. We will also be looking at how shadows are made. 


    On Thursday 2nd November, we took part in a Stone Age drama workshop. It was lots of fun, and we were able to show off all we’d been learning about in our History lessons. We played games, made up our own Stone Age names and created a Stone Age play!