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Lowerhouse Junior School

Inspiring a lifelong love for learning

Year 3 - Willow

Welcome to Willow Class Webpage



Class Teacher: Miss Lee (Mrs Campbell Thurs p.m.)

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Dowling

1:1 Support: Mrs Parveen

Our Star of the Week this Week:


Our Stars of the Week is Jenan for her amazing art work




Our Headteacher Value of the Week Award Winner for Integrity:


Our Headteacher Value of the Week Award goes Rhea for always showing integrity.





Year 3 Spellings


Spellings tests have come to an end, now - thank you for your support in helping your child to learn their spellings.



In the second half of the Summer term, we will finish our work on The Spider and The Fly. We will then move on to a unit of work to tie in with our Romans topic in History. We will be learning all about Boudicca.



Our Maths learning in Summer 2 will see us completing units on Time, Shape and Statistics.



In arithmetic we have been adding multiples of 10 onto 3-digit numbers - here is a link to support with this. Select the addition (+) carriage, then the 'Three Digits + Tens' option.


We have also been finding a difference using a number line, and using our knowledge of our times tables to work out multiplication calculations e.g. to solve 17 x 8, we would work out 10 x 8 and 7 x 8 (two multiplication facts we know), and add the answers together.

Foundation Subjects

 In History, we are asking 'What can we learn about the Roman invasion of Lancashire through the Ribchester hoard?' In Science we are considering the question ‘Why do we have light and dark and what is its impact on our everyday life?’ In Music, our unit is 'Bringing Us Together' - this is a Disco song about friendship, peace, hope and unity. Mrs McMeekin will continue to teach our RE lessons.


Our P.E. days for this half term are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. On P.E. days, your child should come to school ready in their P.E. kit (please see the Uniform Policy on the 'Key Information' signpost, for further information on this). P.E. will be taught by Mr Neil, our Specialist Teacher, on both days.

Stone Age Drama Workshop

On Thursday 2nd November, we took part in a Stone Age drama workshop. It was lots of fun, and we were able to show off all we’d been learning about in our History lessons. We played games, made up our own Stone Age names, and created a Stone Age play!


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Still image for this video

Lights, Camel, Action!



Thank you for all of your support in our performance of 'Lights, Camel, Action!' - I'm sure you will agree, the children were amazing! We will be uploading photos of the performance, very soon.

Science - What are the main types of rocks on our Earth?

In Science we have started to look at rocks and soils. We collected soil samples from different areas of our school grounds, and used water to help separate the different layers of the soil.

Class Assembly - Monday 20th November 2023


The children took part in their Class Assembly today, sharing what we have been learning in Geography this term, about how we energise our homes and country. I am so proud of them all - they have learned their lines, rehearsed, and put on a fantastic presentation for their audience, today. They absolutely deserved to be Stars of the Week!

The Linking Network - Burnley Youth Theatre

We have had the best day, down at Burnley Youth Theatre, meeting our new friends from Stoneyholme Primary School. We played games together, did some drama activities, and even put on a show together..complete with dancing! We are really looking forward to welcoming our new friends to Lowerhouse, and to visiting them at Stoneyholme, in the Summer Term.


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Class Assembly - Monday 11th March 2024


The children took part in their Class Assembly today, sharing our learning in English this half term, which has been all about the story The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. I am so proud of them all - they have all learned their lines, rehearsed, and put on a fantastic presentation for their audience, today - well done, Willow Class!



British Science Week


We had a fantastic afternoon, celebrating all things Science! We watched a Q&A with some scientists on board the RSS Sir David Attenborough, which is based in Antarctica. We then made our own water clocks - if you would like to make your own at home, the instructions are below. Finally, we watched Miss Parker interviewing a Computer Scientist who works for Microsoft!