Year 3 - Willow
Welcome to Willow Class Webpage
Class Teacher: Miss Lee
Our Star of the Week this week:
Our Star of the Week this week is Leo, for being brave in our Bikeability session, last week.
Our Headteacher Value of the Week Award winner for RESPECT:
Our Head Teacher Award winner is Yasmin, for always using her manners, following the rules and being a perfect role model.
Our GOLD AWARD winners are:
Connor for his effort and enthusiasm during our play rehearsals; Illeana, Seth, Brody and Darcie, for doing tricky exchanging in Maths; Toby, Harper, Aurora and Archie for Star of the Week in PE; Illeana for her effort and enthusiasm in her home reading.
Our SILVER AWARD winners are:
Class Dojo Winners
Despite being the smallest class in the school, Willow were declared at this half term's Class Dojo Winners, with a staggering 7189 dojos - not bad at all for a class of 22 children! I am so proud of how hard they worked to earn their dojos. From being in school on time, to reading at home, many gold awards, and just generally being fantastic, each and every child contributed to our class total. We celebrated with a film afternoon, watching Paddington - complete with snacks and colourings! Well done, Willow - you have earned your reward!
World Mental Health Day
On Thursday 10th October, we took part in M&S Young Minds Hello Yellow Day, to help raise awareness of young people’s mental health. We dressed in yellow, donated £1 to the charity, and did lots of fun activities, linked to the day. More information about the day can be found at:
In English we have have been reading the folk tale The Greenling by Levi Pinfold. We have started to learn the story and will use our knowledge of the story to write our own folk tales. We will then look at recounts (writing a letter), and instructions.
Our Maths learning for the second half term is on Multiplication, Division, Time, and 3D Shape. We have been working on our rounding skills, rounding numbers to the nearest 10. Please click the link below to play the game Rocket Rounding, to help your child with this skill:
Rocket Rounding (
We are also working on quick recall of our number bonds to 10 and 100 - please use the following game to support your child with this:
Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (
Maths homework is to complete 15 minutes of TT Rockstars. Please log on to
Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars (
to complete the weekly TT Rockstars homework. Log-in details can be found inside your child's reading record.
Foundation Subjects
In Science we have started to look at rocks and soils. In our first lesson we learnt that the three types of natural rocks are igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. We sorted rocks into their different types.
In Music we have been learning the song ‘Let Your Spirit Fly.’ We have been playing lots of games to help us to find the pulse of the music, and doing ‘listen and repeat’ activities, to help us learn the different parts of the song.
Our Geography topic this half term is ‘A Kingdom United.’ We have begun to name and locate cities in the United Kingdom, including the four capital cities. We have built on our learning from KS1, where the children learn to use the 4 compass points, and we are now able to use 8 compass points to describe a location. We took advantage of the autumnal sunshine to get outside and draw our own maps of the area around school. We looked at what a key is and why it is useful in map drawing, before creating our own keys and using them to produce our maps!
In Art we have been looking at Aboriginal art and OP art. We have developed a ‘toolkit’ of the features of each genre, and will be starting to produce our own pieces in the two styles.
Transition Days
We had so much fun on our two transition days, starting to get to know each other!