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Lowerhouse Junior School

Inspiring a lifelong love for learning

Year 5 - Chestnut

Welcome to Chestnut Class Webpage


Class Teacher: Miss L Parker

Teaching Assistant: Miss E Baxendale

PE Teacher: Mr J Neil

French Teacher: Mrs C Ajlouni 


Important Reminders

Every day - Book bags, water bottles, signed reading records.

Thursday - PE kits today please

Friday - PE kits today please. Complete your TT Rockstars session, bring evidence of spelling practice and bring in your up-to-date, signed reading record. Spelling test today!


Our Text of the Week:

Future Hero: Race to Fire Mountain

by Remi Blackwood

(An FBA 2024 nominee)

5 stamps = 20 minutes free reading

10 stamps = Skip the waiting list

20 stamps = Mystery prize




Our Class Novel:

Journey to the River Sea by Eva Ibbotson

We are enjoying reading this story as a class.




Our Star of the Week this Week:

Lola for fantastic efforts in her Art learning.


Our Headteacher Value of  the Week Award Winner for  Respect:

Moya for doing the right thing for the right reasons in our Fair Trade learning. 


Our spellings for this week are:

Spelling test every Friday!

Summer 1


During the Summer term the children in Year 5 will be focusing on several challenging concepts including perimeter and area, statistics. The teaching and learning will be delivered using a range of exciting activities and in a range of ways to ensure the children develop a deeper understanding of their topics. We will link questions to real life topics to make a more meaningful and engaging curriculum. The children will use what they have previously learnt in the Autumn and Spring terms to help them further understand the new concepts.

We will be engaging in weekly arithmetic sessions to address, challenge and conquer any misconceptions developed in the Spring term as well as further develop existing skills. We will also engage in daily mental maths activities to revisit and consolidate understanding.

Mental mathematical skills are highly dependent on quick maths abilities such as times tables. We encourage the children to access their Times Tables Rock Stars accounts at home as much as they can to help to develop their understanding and support with learning their times tables in a fun and exciting way. New challenges are set weekly on a Friday morning.



This half term we will be developing our writing skills through writing hybrid texts about the rainforest and through innovating narratives Our key text this half term is The Explorer by Katherine Rundell. We will read, respond to and analyse this text closely, comparing characters, describing settings and writing journal entries. We will then combine the characters from The Explorer with the plot of Jumanji to create an innovated narrative. Our grammar focus will be on using –ing and –ed sentence openers, using cohesive devices across paragraphs, using relative clauses and omitting the relative pronoun and blending dialogue, action and description. This will be supplemented by an additional weekly grammar lesson to address misconceptions and deepen understanding. The following half term we will be basing our English learning around the poem Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll. We will learn, recite and perform the poem before using our grammar skills from the year so far to create a narrative around the poem.


In Science we will be looking at ‘Living things and their habitats’ in Summer 1 followed by ‘Animals including Humans in Summer 2. As a result of these lessons and recapping KS1 learning, the following outcomes will be addressed:

Living things and their habitats

Substantive Knowledge - Scientific Knowledge

  • Describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird
  • Describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals.

Disciplinary Knowledge - Working Scientifically

  • Decide how to record and present evidence.
  • Record observations e.g. photos and diagrams.
  • Ask and answer own and others scientific questions.
  • Recognise how secondary sources can be used to answer questions.

Animals including Humans

Substantive Knowledge - Scientific Knowledge

  • Describe the changes as humans develop to old age.


Within Art, we will be developing our sketching skills and part of our studies, will be sketching outside in nature.

Our Geography topic this half term is ‘Fair Trade’ and we will be learning about where our food comes from, why fair trade is important and how food is distributed. In history next half term, we will be studying crime and punishment throughout history.

For Computing, we will start to create vector drawings. We will learn how to use different drawing tools to help us create images. We will recognise that images in vector drawings are created using shapes and lines, and each individual element in the drawing is called an object. We will layer objects and begin grouping and duplicating them to support the creation of more complex pieces of work.

Within R.E, the children will be exploring Christianity through discussing and exploring their ideas around the key question ‘How do people decide what to believe?’


How to help at home

Children are set times tables to practice and spellings to learn each Friday. Times tables can be accessed via TT Rockstars. Please see your child’s reading record for login information. Spellings will be sent home as a hard copy every Friday to be practiced and returned by the following Friday, ready for the weekly test. Daily reading should take place and be recorded in reading records.

Useful Websites