Year 5 - Chestnut
Welcome to Chestnut Class Webpage
Class Teacher: Miss L Parker
Teaching Assistant: Miss E Baxendale (Monday - Wednesday and shared with Oak class Thursday - Friday)
PE Teacher: Mr G Chadwick
Important Reminders
Every day - Book bags, water bottles, signed reading records.
Thursday - PE kits today please
Friday - PE kits today please. Complete your TT Rockstars session, bring evidence of spelling practice and bring in your up-to-date, signed reading record. Spelling test today!
Our Text of the Week:
Future Hero: Race to Fire Mountain
by Remi Blackwood
(An FBA 2024 nominee)
5 stamps = 20 minutes free reading
10 stamps = Skip the waiting list
20 stamps = Mystery prize
Our Class Novel:
Journey to the River Sea by Eva Ibbotson
We are enjoying reading this story as a class.
Our Star of the Week this Week:
Lola for fantastic efforts in her Art learning.
Our Headteacher Value of the Week Award Winner for Respect:
Moya for doing the right thing for the right reasons in our Fair Trade learning.
Our spellings for this week are:
Autumn Term
During the Autumn term the children in Year 5 will be focusing on all areas of mathematics. The teaching and learning will be delivered using a range of exciting activities and in a range of ways to ensure the children develop a deeper understanding of their topics. We will link questions to real life topics to make a more meaningful and engaging curriculum.
We will be engaging in weekly arithmetic sessions to address, challenge and conquer any misconceptions as well as further develop existing skills. We will also engage in daily mental maths activities to revisit and consolidate understanding.
Mental mathematical skills are highly dependent on quick maths abilities such as times tables. We encourage the children to access their Times Tables Rock Stars accounts at home as much as they can to help to develop their understanding and support with learning their times tables in a fun and exciting way. New challenges are set weekly on a Friday morning.
This term, we will be continuing to develop our reading and writing skills through fiction and non-fiction outcomes. We will all become wizards as we study the world of Harry Potter and later write a detailed setting description of Diagon Alley! We will then explore the mythical beasts from the wizarding world and create a non-chronological text based on our own invented beasts. Later in the term, the children will also have the chance to write their own versions of the gripping tale of ‘The Legend of Gelert” using techniques seen in a range of legend stories. Throughout Year 5, we continue to look carefully at the key writing and grammar skills that we use in our writing to ensure we actively demonstrate our knowledge when writing independently.
In Science this term we will learn that materials have different uses depending on their properties and state (liquid, solid, gas). Properties include hardness, transparency, electrical and thermal conductivity and attraction to magnets. Some materials will dissolve in a liquid and form a solution while others are insoluble and form sediment. Mixtures can be separated by filtering, sieving and evaporation. Some changes to materials such as dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible, but some changes such as burning wood, rusting and mixing vinegar with bicarbonate of soda result in the formation of new materials and these are not reversible.
During the Autumn term, we will be exploring South America through our “Brazilian Odyssey” unit. In Geography we will use and develop mapping, enquiry, investigation and ICT skills by exploring South America and its features before focusing on Brazil. We will learn about time zones and Brazilian street children as well as human and physical features. Art and Design will centre around creating self-portraits in the style of Latin American artist, Frida Kahlo. In Autumn 2 we will move on to our History unit in which we will be learning about discoveries made at Sutton Hoo. Design and Technology will draw upon this learning when we create our own Bayeux-style tapestries.
RE and French
In RE we will be exploring Christianity and Islam. In French we will be learning the vocabulary for shopping for food and drink, school subjects and Christmas.
How to help at home
Children are set times tables to practice and spellings to learn each Monday. Times tables can be accessed via TT Rockstars. Please see your child’s reading record for login information. Spellings will be sent home as a hard copy every Monday to be practiced and returned by the following Monday, ready for the weekly test. Daily reading should take place and be recorded in reading records.
Useful Websites