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Lowerhouse Junior School

Inspiring a lifelong love for learning

Year 6 - Sycamore

Welcome to Sycamore Class Webpage


Class Teacher: Mrs Marsden/Mrs Campbell/Mrs Smith

Teaching Assistant: Mrs McMeekin



Our Star of the Week this Week:


Tommy - For an excellent piece of writing linking to Macbeth.



Our Headteacher Value of the Week Award Winner:


Maisie- For integrity. 







Our English lessons this half term have been based around Macbeth. 

We have enjoyed learning about the complex characters and plot structure and have produced excellent pieces of writing around this. 

As part of our reading and analysing of the text, we wrote balanced arguments around the question 'Was Macbeth the master of his own fate or what he influenced by other?' 


This week we are writing our own twisted tale based on the original text. We have written Lady Macbeth as the true villain of the story and described her wicked ways using a variety of techniques. 


Following on from our Macbeth unit of work, the children have started a poetry unit of work linking the The Lion and Albert by Marriott Edgar. 

We have thoroughly enjoyed analysing the poem and looking at the Lancashire dialect used and then applying this to our own performance poetry. 


Here we all are after our performance! 








Maths lessons this half term have been incredibly busy. We have continued with our ongoing revision and application of arithmetic skills as well as focusing on area, perimeter and volume. We are confident in using formulas to find the area of different shapes and can apply this to a range of problem solving contexts. 









In Science this half term, we will be learning about How Light Travels, we will be investigating how light travels, shadows, reflection and refraction. We will also be investigating how we are able to see colours.



This half term our topic is geography and we will be focusing on ‘How maps help us to find our way around’. Throughout this unit of work, the children will be able to; name and locate counties and cities in the United Kingdom, make comparisons between our location and contrasting areas. We will also be looking at and using OS symbols and six-figure grid references.  

Spellings - w/c 22.04.24


Our spelling test will be on a Thursday - please return your completed spelling sheets on the morning of your test. 










